Skill Matrix
Employees are the assets of any organization. If the employees are skilled and performed their roles and responsibilities as per the organization, then the growth and success of both employee and employer are guaranteed. For this it is essential to know every employee in the organization i.e., what skill they possess, how many years of experience they have, are they able to handle additional work responsibilities, and many more other factors. A skill matrix is a tool that plays a very crucial role in identifying and keeping track of the skills of all the employees and their qualifications.
In this blog, we will discuss what a skill matrix is, its importance, and how it is designed.
Skills Matrix or a competency matrix is a visual tool that shows the tasks and skills required for specific roles. It is a grid where the skills of all employees are mentioned which helps the management or the leaders in deploying them on a particular task. With the help of this visualization tool team leaders can easily identify the skills an employee’s own and which skills are required for them.
This tool not only helps in identifying the skills but also helps in the assignment of tasks to employees as per their required skills and if anything is missing that can be conveyed to the HR for future reference, which helps the management in taking decisions either of providing necessary training or recruiting the new talent.
How to design a SKILL MATRIX?
You might have observed many times that the skill matrix is built/designed in a tabular format (rows and columns), where on one side you will mention the names of the employees and on another side the skills list. Let us discuss the pointers which need to be taken into consideration while designing a skill matrix.
- The first step is to list down the list of employees and their roles in an organization. Check for the job descriptions and the skills mentioned in the document. It is essential to have the list of current and required skills with us during the designing phase.
Employee details will include their qualifications, hobbies, and which extra projects or skills they have. In a similar way, the job description owns the list of skillsets that is/was asked during the hiring process.
- Once this database is available to management, it is important to define the parameters for each scale, either they can go for grading system or rating scale. Which will help in managing the skill matrix in a proper way. This could be done by brainstorming with the team members or with the management.
- The next step is to evaluate the employees’ skills, this can be possible by taking the assessment, it could be self-assessment or managers can conduct the interviews.
- Once the skill sets are defined, categorize them into current skills and the required skills. It will help the management in identifying the skill gaps and arranging the training for the employees. It is important to track the training provided and progress reports.
- The most important step is to make this process continuous in nature, regularly update the skill matrix and keep it transparent and visible to all the employees.
Sample template for Skill Matrix (source – google)

Benefits of SKILL MATRIX
- Helps the management in identifying the employees and skill set required before assigning any task and project to them.
- Helps in identifying the gaps by providing useful insights and designing the proper training plans.
- Helps in monitoring the progress of individuals as well as teams.
- The skill matrix is such a document that gives insights not only to the management but to team leaders and individuals on their current and required skills.
On a concluding note, the skill matrix is the most crucial document in the hands of an organization as it gives the snapshot of your organization on its skills availability and skills lacking. But it should not be limited to the designing part only, to make proper use and successful, it is very essential for the management and the HR/team leaders to keep this tool updated regularly.
Prizma Digitech Skill Analysis Module helps you identify the skill gap and arrange proper training as per the needs of your employees. We provide you an online platform where the organizations can conduct an online assessment, identify the gaps, prepare training calendars as required. Not only this but with the help of the powerful dashboard it also gives you important insights that would be helpful to the organization in long term.
For more details can reach us at and schedule a demo.
Written By: Preeti Sontakke & Compiled by Mayuri Pandya
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